Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Once Upon a Read-a-thon Mini Challenge 3

This third challenge is being hosted by The Bookish Type.

Here is the challenge information:
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it:

Pick any book from your readathon pile and write a fake synopsis based solely on the cover. The synopsis does not have to be related to the actual book at all, just the pretty, pretty cover.

Well, here's the thing. I am hardly ever not quite organized enough to be doing this read-a-thon properly. I didn't plan out the books that I'd be reading, so I don't have a read-a-thon pile.

The book I am currently reading is an ARC and doesn't have a cover yet... I can't exactly write a synopsis based on a blank page. So, I'll have to pass on this challenge.

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon


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